How I Went From 0 → 4500 Followers Last Year


When I first started on X last year, I had no idea what I was doing.

It took me 4 months to reach 250 followers.

However, every few days I went viral.

Great right?

Loads of likes and views???


Despite going viral multiple times a month, I wasn’t gaining any followers.

Why was it so hard for me to grow?

I saw some people blowing up so fast, yet it felt like I was stuck in the mud.

The symptoms of slow growth were starting to weigh heavy on me.

I was constantly frustrated as the posts I spent hours on kept falling flat.

Watching accounts I didn’t like growing faster than me and getting way more engagement.

I even considered buying followers and paying for engagement.

And most importantly…

I knew if I didn’t grow my audience soon – I’d be stuck making money “the old way”, or in a way that feels plain meaningless.

For me, when I first started growing my social media I was mowing lawns – I didn’t want to be stuck doing that forever.

And it’s true…

Being a content creator is the best job in the world.

Being paid for WHO you and what you know.

Is there anything better than that?

But without an audience, FORGET about it.

The Tool Of The New Rich

Ever wondered why money flows to certain people, but not others?

Here’s an example:

Kendall Jenner made $40M last year.

She’s 28 years old.

She made $22M at 22.

Let that sink in.

Most people cry and moan about this.

They say “it’s not fair!”

“These talentless fools don’t deserve that!!”

“They don’t even do anything!!”

But here’s the thing…

Money doesn’t give a damn about WHAT you think.

And like it or not… The Kardashians have tremendous VALUE.

Notice I didn’t say talent…


Money and value aside a moment…

HOW did Kendall (and thousands of others) do this?

One word:


Leverage is the tool of the new rich.


Because leverage is a force multiplier for EVERYTHING you do.

When you apply leverage to any business, you get outsized returns.

This scews the time/effort to reward ratio massively.

And when you can get more reward per unit of time… what happens?

You get more money and more time.

In short:

Leverage gives you freedom and autonomy.

Freedom removes the limitations that most people would otherwise have:

  • A 9-5 job

  • Being stuck in one location

  • Trapped in a business they hate

Autonomy keeps you from becoming disgusted, frustrated and unhappy with how you make your money.

And most people tend to end up unhappy with how they make their money.

Kendall Jenner isn’t the only example either…

Just look at:

  • Joe Rogan

  • Oprah

  • Donald Trump

Money flows to them, because they have value + leverage.

Remember we said that value is a force multiplier for everything?

This is why MILLIONS flow to them.


Because they have an audience.

An audience is LEVERAGE.

This is exactly why not having an audience is costing you MILLIONS a year.

The fact is to join the new rich, you can’t afford NOT to have an audience.

Keep. It. Simple. Stupid.

The good news is that growing on social media is actually incredibly simple.

But I only found this out when I bumped into some mentors.

Tatsuki Thomas, Glenn Writes, Dylan & Virgil Brewster.

After seeing their growth and their ability to grow a community, I decided to invest in their help.

By joining Growth Army V.1.

Their first-ever launch.

I paid them $2500 to teach me how to grow my audience, fix my content, pitch offers and build a community of my own.

It was the best decision I ever made.

The results were almost instant.

I put this down this down to two things.

  1. Accountability: It lit a fire under my ass. I had to make this work – I’d paid enough money after all.

  2. Network: I met tons of new people on the EXACT same journey as me. We helped each other grow and my audience started exploding.

Later down the track I even invested in help to boost my sales skills which made selling my offer even easier.

6 months later, and I’m:

  • Making $15K/month

  • Have grown my audience to over 4400 people

  • Travelling the world, getting paid to write for a living

  • Consulting CEOs how to build their brand

  • Am hosting spaces with 6-7 figure creators like Aaron Will and Dakota Robertson.

I’m in shock.

All because I put in the time to build leverage.

I’m going to be showing you how I did all this (and more!) inside Digital Odyssey next month.

It’s a 6-week LIVE programme sharing EXACTLY how I went from $600/month, broke creator to a full-time $15K/month creator.


Join the waitlist HERE.

The Growth Formula

Now that’s all fine and dandy, but how do you actually grow YOUR personal brand.

Now bare in mind – I am not a growth guru.

But I do know how to build an audience on X.

And every day I educate myself on how I can keep the growth rate going.

So I created an easy 8 step process to help you grow your followers to 4400 followers in the next 6-9 months.

This is what I charge my clients thousands of dollars a month for, but you’re going to get it now for free.

Step 1) Self-Discovery

To grow a personal brand people care about, you first need to discover your authentic self.


Because you need to know what value you can actually bring to the marketplace.

  • Learn your personality type

  • Ask friends and family what you’re good at

  • Write out your interests, hobbies and skills

The more you create and write, the more you’ll learn about yourself.

When you discover yourself, you know how you can be of use to the world.

Step 2) Replies & Engagement

0 → 1000 followers is a grind.

Most people fall into the trap of thinking posting content is enough to grow.

At first, this couldn’t be any more WRONG.

The most important thing you can do when starting out is to generate traffic.

  • Build a ‘DREAM 100’ list

  • Block out 3 x 10 minute blocks a day to engage with this list daily

  • Reply to every comment on your posts

If you want to grow, regardless of which stage you’re at – you need to show the algorithm you’re someone people care about on the platform.

Prioritise building friendships, building a community and building a name first.

Step 3) Content Strategy

Post Regularly.

Get dead set on what you want to talk about.

Split it up into 3 buckets:

  1. Challenge - shift beliefs. challenge people’s. reframe big ideas.

  2. Educate – teach people how you got results. teach people how you solved a pain point. show how you reached a desired outcome.

  3. Tell - show people what you’e working on. tell your backstory. show your lifestyle. share your failures. share your flaws. share your wins. share your opinions. share your beliefs.

The most important of these three to nail at first is by far EDUCATE.

Become an expert in one thing, then speak about your interests and lifestyle around that.

This is how to build a unique brand that actually makes money.

Step 4) 1-3 Long forms a week

If you want to grow, you need to be perceived as an expert.

The best way to do this is with long-form posts.

  • To supercharge your growth you need long-form authority & story content

  • Going in-depth on topics builds trust

  • Create a selection of steps of how to reach a desired outcome or solve a pain point

The best way to do this is with threads, long-form video and podcasts.

Step 5) Dedicate 1-2 hours a day to learning

To create interesting content you need to constantly educate yourself

  • Block out 1-2 hours a day for learning

  • Store in notion or google docs

  • Teach what you learn

Teach your interests, but:

Learn sales so you can monetise.

Learn copywriting so you can persuade.

Learn storytelling so people will care.

Learn marketing so you can generate leads.

Learn psychology so you can build a brand.

Step 6) Networking

Your network is everything.

  • Make friends on the platform

  • Interact with people you vibe with

  • Reach out and build a deeper connection in the DMs

Make a habit of reaching out to 3-5 people a day.

Create a group of 5-10 other creators and exchange engagement.

Watch what happens to your brand.

Step 7) Public speaking

To grow on any platform, you need authority.

Nothing builds authority like public speaking.

  • Host Twitter Spaces and Live Streams

  • Make Videos talking about your chosen subject

  • Get yourself on podcasts, or start your own

I do this stuff multiple times a week.

When you speak in public, at least for a moment, you are considered a minor celebrity who people want to meet.

Step 8) Storytelling

Forget likes.

You want profile clicks.

The best way to get profile clicks is with long-form stories.

Write down:

  • Your goals

  • Your struggles

  • Your pains

  • Your failures

  • Your successes

  • Your wins/losses

  • Your opinions, perspectives and beleifs

Tell stories from your own life about that touch on all these points.

Stories are how you build a brand people ACTUALLY care about.

Tell your story every day. You’ll get sick of hearing it long before your audience does.

To summarise this letter:

Growing on social media is not easy. But it is simple.

Building muscle in the gym is not easy. But it is simple.

Cold-approaching women in the street you find attractive is not easy. But it is simple.

Get it?

It’s hard.

But it couldn’t be any more worth it.

An audience is the tool of the new rich.

Build yours before it’s too late.

Have a great week!


PS. Struggling to monetise your personal brand?

Tired of not making enough from your passion to quit the "day job" and go all in on content?

Learn the secrets to how I went from a broke content creator... to making over 5 figures a month with digital entrepreneurship in my LIVE workshop: ‘$15’000 Writer.’

I promise you’ll never get information this valuable, at this price, in this format, from me again!